Why Go?

First contact It’s been about 8 years since I started playing with Go. At that moment I met a colleague who had left my workplace to try his luck at a new challenge in his professional career. One day talking to him he told me that they had decided to use a programming language called Go and that he was delighted with how easy it was to do things that with Java, the language we were used to using, was tremendously crude and sometimes complex, due to to the number of layers and repetitions you have to add....

December 5, 2023 · 5 min · charly3pins

I generated my CV using Go templates

Introduction If you need to present any kind of data in a structured and formatted way you could find this article interesting. Go provides a way to do this in an easy and effective manner with two packages, text/template and html/template. The first one is focused on formatting texts in general and I am using it to generate my README page in GitHub. You can find the details in https://github.com/charly3pins/charly3pins. In this article, I am going to cover the second one, the templating for HTML pages....

September 23, 2023 · 6 min · charly3pins

Tech Book Club

What is that? The purpose of any club is to bring a group of people together to learn and discuss something that matters to them, have fun doing it, and end up having a positive impact on them. A book club is no different. Why did we start one? In AREX we have a team that loves to explore and talk about different technical ideas to improve our code base, ways of working, methodologies, culture and so on....

April 15, 2023 · 4 min · charly3pins

Go project layout with Clean architectures and DDD

Introduction During the last 5 years I have been working full time with Go. Some of you may already know that I’m in love with this language because of the simplicity it has but with a lot of potential to build anything. The main question I have faced since the beginning is Which layout should I use for my project? I would say still today I don’t know and as always in our industry… it depends....

December 9, 2021 · 8 min · charly3pins

Learn how to use the embed package in Go by building a web page easily

Working with static files is never an easy task and less so in Go since we did not have native support for them and we had to pull third-party libraries. With the release of Go 1.16 this changed. And it changed for the better, since it includes a new package called embed that natively helps us work with static files. In the official documentation of the package (previous link) there are several examples of use of this library:...

August 16, 2021 · 6 min · charly3pins