Automate Your GitHub Profile README with Go and GitHub Actions

After the post where I explained how to create a README for the GitHub profile, I missed including in the section of the Blog a link to the last post published. I mainly didn’t because I didn’t want to have to manually update the README every time with the last post and its link. To solve this I was thinking how I could automate this update. While doing my daily reading of the RSS feeds I follow with the Feedly app, I stumbled upon that I also had RSS feeds....

March 16, 2021 · 5 min · charly3pins

Installing Drone 0.8 on Ubuntu 16.04

I have to admit that I never liked the systems part of the development process. I always though that it was a job in a dark and creppy place, full of freaks doing a rare things. This vision completely changed when I started using Docker. On this point I realized that all the magic done in the sysadmin part was better than I though and then, I started intereseting more an more on this side....

October 10, 2018 · 5 min · charly3pins