Automate Your GitHub Profile README with Go and GitHub Actions

After the post where I explained how to create a README for the GitHub profile, I missed including in the section of the Blog a link to the last post published. I mainly didn’t because I didn’t want to have to manually update the README every time with the last post and its link. To solve this I was thinking how I could automate this update. While doing my daily reading of the RSS feeds I follow with the Feedly app, I stumbled upon that I also had RSS feeds....

March 16, 2021 · 5 min · charly3pins

Build an awesome GitHub's profile README

GitHub released a new feature that allows users to create a portfolio using a README in a special repository with same name as the username and display it in the user’s profile like the cover picture of this post. This article explains how to create that repo step by step and add some tips and tricks that you can use to tweak your own. How do I create a profile README?...

February 12, 2021 · 2 min · charly3pins

Building static blog with Hugo

If you want to create a fast static website I recommend you Hugo. It’s written in Go and it’s really use to configure and adapt to your needs. In addition, you can choose through different themes created by the team and others by the community or even create your own one. Here I’ll explain in some steps how to create one blog with Hugo and how to be hosted & deployed in GitHub and GitHub Pages....

September 22, 2018 · 4 min · charly3pins