Increase your productivity with Notion

Following my last post about increasing productivity with The Pomodoro Technique, I will show you how I organized my life regarding my side projects, my readings and the posts that I publish on this blog. First I was using Google Keep’s notes to keep track of all of those subjects, but as you can imagine it turned out to be impossible to manage that amount of information and more important, do it properly....

April 8, 2021 · 6 min · charly3pins

The Pomodoro Technique

After almost a year teleworking at home, due to the circumstances that we all know, the changes we have had to make to adapt to this new environment have been considerable and in some cases difficult to assume. One of them has been concentrating on working at home, especially for people who didn’t do it before. Not going to the office where our mind disconnects from our daily routine and focuses (some more than others) on working, making that “click” is sometimes expensive and we have to make an effort to achieve it....

March 30, 2021 · 4 min · charly3pins

My productivity setup for VS Code

I spend a lot of hours during the day coding for the company I work for and during nights or weekends for myself, so I want to be comfortable with the tools I use constantly. One of them is my editor of code, specifically VS Code. I started with Java and the most extended for it is Eclipse with all its variants. Then I moved to Go and I was a Sublime user for years until I gave a try to VS Code....

March 9, 2021 · 4 min · charly3pins